Dreaming about your next vacation in Safed? Dream bigger.
Start imbibing the inspiration! The fresh Galilean air will take you to places within yourself that you’ve never met before. Enjoy heavenly serenity and a spiritual, empowering experience together with all the good that this world has to offer.
Welcome to the Hamilton resort: Inspiration and lavish modernity. An authentic Safed experience for couples.
The Hamilton resort in Safed is what you need in order to rest and relax and live a different experience. Pamper yourself, inspire yourself and create new memories that will stay with you long after the vacation comes to an end.
Spend time in the center of inspiration
The Hamilton resort is located right next to the Sanz shtieblach (membership to the mikvah provided) and the famed Artists Colony. The best location for your ideal vacation.
We look forward to hosting you in the enchanted, sacred atmosphere that is Safed and to providing you with the soothing vacation that will reenergize you.
Close your eyes and your soul will sense the sanctity of Safed that will serve as the perfect backdrop for your vacation.
We look forward to hosting you and providing you with the best possible experience.